
BolognaFiere (Bologna Exhibition Centre), Bologna, Italy

Entrance: West (Ovest), Piazza Costituzione
Address: Piazza Costituzione, 40128 Bologna-Italy

Show/conference hours?

Wednesday 30th March
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Thursday 31st March
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

How much does it cost to attend the expo?

The admission to the conference and exhibition are FREE. Register HERE

How do I get a detailed list of exhibitors for the event?

Our exhibitor list is HERE and posted on the show website under the ‘EXHIBITOR LIST’ section. We suggest you bookmark the website and follow our LinkedIn account as we regularly update them with new exhibiting companies that have joined our events.

Where should I park?

The Bologna Exhibition Centre has over 10,500 car parking spaces onsite, all within easy walking distance of the venue. 

Parking lots for visitors can be found right near the trade fair’s entrances. The daily cost is around €20.  

●  Costituzione Entrance: Costituzione Parking Lot

●  Calzoni and Costituzione Entrances: Multi-level Calzoni Lot

●  Michelino Entrance: Multi-level Michelino Parking Lot
●  Nord Entrance: Multi-level Michelino Parking Lot


Buses for visitors have a specific parking lot: P8 BUS  (Parco Nord Parking, Via Stalingrado, 81). 
Buses are not allowed to carry out  passengers loading and unloading operations near the exhibition entrances Michelino – Nord – Costituzione. 
Buses will be directed to P8 BUS Parking, where a free shuttle bus will take visitors to NORD ENTRANCE. The daily cost for bus parking is € 25.00

What facilities are there for visitors with access requirements?

The Bologna Exhibition Centre aims to be fully user-friendly for visitors with access needs. 

Will there be food & beverages available at the show?

There are concession’s within the venue and outside of the expo hall that will have refreshments and food items available for purchase.

What facilities are at the venue? i.e phone charging, cloakrooms, Wifi etc

The Bologna Exhibition Centre has a variety of facilities on site which can all be located HERE.


How do I pre-register for the expo and conference?

The admission to the conference and exhibition is FREE and our registration page is HERE.

What if I do not pre-register for the expo?

You can register on-site, but may have a short waiting time to process your registration.

How long does it take to receive my registration confirmation?

An e-mail confirmation should be received within 24 hours after you’ve registered.

Travel & Directions

Venue Map 

Scroll to the bottom of this page.

Can I drive to the venue? 

The Bologna Exhibition Centre is a hugely accessible event destination in one of the largest cities in Italy.

Clearly signposted from all motorways and major routes including the A1, A13, A14 and A22.

Bologna Exhibition Centre is easily reachable from many Italian cities, its ring road acts as a hub between the major highways.

For more information visit the National Highway Authority: AUTOSTRADE.IT.

Where is the nearest airport?

Bologna airport – the “Guglielmo Marconi” intercontinental airport – is 4 km from the fair district. For more information visit: BOLOGNA AIRPORT.

Is there a train station nearby?

Direct services run all day, however, if you’re travelling from further afield you may need to catch a connecting train at Bologna Central Station. 

Bologna Central Station is one of the largest railway hubs at national and European level. It is only 10 minutes from the Exhibition Center and it is connected by bus to the entrances / gates “Costituzione” and “Aldo Moro”.

BUS lines:

  • Railway Station > Exhibition Centre = lines 35 and 38
  • Exhibition Centre > Railway Station = lines 35 and 39

For more information visit the Italian rail network: TRENITALIA or ITALO

How do I get a VISA Letter?

All VISA applications need to be made to the relevant VISA application Office. We can provide a letter to support your application.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not guarantee you will receive a letter. We will need to see proof of your application and relevant documentation to support your VISA request.