E-TECH EUROPE 2023 Agenda

Wednesday, 19 APRIL 2023

constantly updated

Room batteries

Conference Room B
1st FLOOR (between halls 21 and 22)

10.00-11.30 | Inaugural session
La transizione automobilistica in Europa: mercato, filiera, programmi
(Session in Italian)
The automotive transition in Europe: market, supply chain, programs


Modera: Fulvio Giuliani, Direttore, La Ragione

Saluti di benvenuto: Gianpiero Calzolari, Presidente, Fiera di Bologna

Saluti istituzionali a cura di:

  • Titolo tba
    Angelo Raffaele Pelillo, Commissione Energie Alternative, ACI
  • Mercato auto Italia, presente e futuro
    Michele Crisci, Presidente, UNRAE
  • Networking e ricerca collaborativa come risposte alla sfida della transizione
    Federico Capucci
    , Cluster Manager,Clust-ER Mech (Cluster Emilia Romagna – Motoristica e Meccatronica)
  • La filiera automotive italiana e l’elettrificazione: prospettive e nuove opportunità
    Francesco Naso
    , Segretario generale, Motus-E
  • Dimensionare la posizione dell’auto nel mercato della mobilità individuale: la chiave per capire la traiettoria dell’elettrificazione
    Fabrizio Arena, Partner – Automotive & Mobility, BIP – Business Integration Partners  
  • Conclusioni a cura di: 
    Andrea Poggio, Legambiente

11.45 – 13.30
Batteries for automotive in Europe: market, supply chain, programs
(Session in English) 

Host: Luca Bono, CEO, Be2Hub

  • European Battery Alliance: state of the art
    Thore Sekkenes, European Battery Alliance Program Director, InnoEnergy Scandinavia AB
  • Critical Raw Materials: the bottle-neck of the battery value-chain
    Omar Perego, Project Manager, RSE
  • European independence from automotive lithium batteries: the EU value chain industrial opportunities
    Carlo Tritto, Policy Officer, Transport & Environment Italia
  • How R&I for production equipment to develop sustainable battery manufacture in Europe
    Stefano Saguatti, Senior Battery Expert, Manz Italy
  • Title tba
    Claude Laperiere, President, UpCell Alliance
  • Batteries for automotives in Europe: market, supply chain, programs (title tbc)
    Stefano Trivellato, Head of Italy Rep. Office and Business Dev. Manager EU & US, WonikPNE


14.00 – 16.00
Battery product development: architecture, BMS, thermal management, packs
(Session in English) 

Host: Luca Bono, CEO, Be2Hub

  • What are some key technical choices to make for your battery projects in a fast changing industry?
    Francois Barsacq, CEO, easyLi Batteries
  • Safety and performance: lightweight solutions for battery thermal management
    Mariagrazia Montaruli
    , Advanced Development Engineer, Röchling Automotive
    Ermanno Grotti
    , Advanced Development Engineer, Röchling Automotive
  • Battery packs: Thermal management for high power application
    Leone Martellucci, Professor, Fast Charge Engineering – Sapienza Università di Roma
  • EV Battery Applications -Openair-Plasma® technology for stable processes and durable modules
    Nicolò Frezza, Application Engineer, Plasmatreat Italia

16.15 – 17.30
Emissioni zero dal 2035: la Motor Valley è pronta alla sfida?
(Session in Italian)

Sessione a cura di VaiElettrico

Modera: Massimo Degli Esposti, co fondatore e direttore di Vaielettrico

Francesco Naso
, Segretario Generale, Motus-E


  • Luca Di Silvio, coordinatore Supply Chain ERMES Clust-ER Mech Emilia-Romagna, Manz Italia
  • Michele Pennese, Head of E-Mobility Project, Bonfiglioli Group
  • Marco Stella, Vicepresidente e Presidente Gruppo Componenti, Anfia
  • Marco Stanghellini, EV Industry Manager, Marposs
  • Simone Monaco, R&D e-mobility Engineer, Ducati Motor
  • Francesco Leali, Coordinatore del Comitato di Coordinamento, Associazione MUNER

Vincenzo Colla
, Assessore allo Sviluppo Economico e Lavoro,  Regione Emilia-Romagna



Conference Room A

11.15 – 13.00
Architecture and integration of EVs
(Session in English)  

Host: Marco Comelli, Principal, Studio Comelli

  • Driveline a 48 V da Ondasolare all’elettrificazione off-highways
    Claudio Rossi, Associate Professor, University of Bologna
  • Battery pack vehicle structure integration
    Chris McCaw, Chief Engineer Vehicle Integration, WAE-Williams Advanced Engineering
  • The Business Unit of Energica motor Company dedicated to the development and production of powertrains, batteries and technology for electric vehicles
    Carlo Iacovini, General Manager, Energica Inside
  • Fundamental EV architecture for fully SW-defined vehicle dynamics, active comfort and safety features without need for new actuators
    Gorazd Lampic, CEO, Elaphe Propulsion

14.00 – 15.00
Components of EVs: motors, transmission and braking systems
(Session in English) 

Host: Marco Comelli, Principal, Studio Comelli

  • From efficiency to experience: How the latest inverter technology is riding the waves of electrification
    Paolo Bargiacchi
    , Senior Product Manager, Electrification, McLaren Applied    
  • Electric motors, battery and inverter
    Johan Paulides, Founder, Advanced Electromagnetics
  • Engineering an efficient braking system for EVs
    Marco Pinna, Head of R&D Continental Engineering Service Italy, Continental Automotive
  • Fastening the future in vehicle electrification: electrical contact resistance control and optimization
    Walter Mauri, Group Innovation Officer, Agrati Group
    Beatrice Occhionero
    , Innovation Coating Specialist, Agrati Group

16.15 – 17.30
Building electric powertrains: technical foundations and tips
(Session in English) 

Technical seminar by Advanced Electromagnetics



Conference Room C

11.15 – 13.00
The all-digital EV
(Session in English) 

Host: Riccardo Busetto, Journalist and Editor in Chief, NewBusiness Media – Tecniche Nuove

  • Cyber security of EV powertrain systems: the ISO/SAE 21434 challenge
    Omar Morando, Head of OT Cybersecurity & Innovation Lab, Sababa Security
  • Integrating electric machines and drivers
    Johan Paulides, Founder, Advanced Electromagnetics
  • Intelligent pedestrian assistant for safe street crossing (Ipa2X) project
    Luca Salvatore, Public Manager, City of Modena
  • Indy Autonomous Challenge: how to autonomously drive a racecar at over 270 kph
    Micaela Verucchi, Project Manager, Hipert
  • The next generation connected vehicle
    Federico Veggia Bombardi, Regional Business Development Manager, Continental Engineering Services
  • Multi-Gig Single-pair Ethernet Networking for EV Automotive Applications
    Marco Accomazzo
    , Networking Specialist FAE EMEA, EBV Elektronik
  • EVs driving dynamics and User Experience
    Francesco Spagnolo, CEO, 2electron

15.15 – 16.00
Automotive Glass Technology Forum
(Session in English) 

Host: Marco Comelli, Principal, Studio Comelli

  • Evolving production machinery for an evolving product: automotive glass
    Ludovico Iasci, Chief technical officer, Iocco Group
  • The new frontier in the quality control of automotive glass
    Luca Bruni, Automotive Glass Product Manager, Marposs


16.15 – 17.30
Supercars & Superbikes Summit
(Session in English) 

Host:Luca Bono,CEO, Be2Hub

  • The history of the first italian electric superbike
    Vito Minunni, Area Sales Manager Europe, Energica Motor Company
  • Title tba
    Alessandro Salvagnin, Car Designer, AEHRA Automobili
  • Title tba
    Abel Van Beest
    , Forze Hydrogen